Welcome to the Coconut Grove Park Homeowners Association

Established over 35 years ago, Coconut Grove Park Homeowners Association is committed to fostering a safe, clean, and sociable neighborhood while preserving property values and the historic charm of our residential area. We provide a space to connect, form friendships, share information, address community issues, propose solutions, sponsor projects, and have fun. It's not just membership; it's an
opportunity to actively shape our beloved community.

Explore this site for essential updates on neighborhood issues, events, and CGPHOA administration. Membership is open to all Coconut Grove Park residents, with annual dues at $30 per household.

Your dues support CGPHOA activities, including neighborhood events, membership meetings, and legal representation in local zoning or quality of life matters. Highlights include our annual April Picnic and October Halloween Street party.

Stay informed with our quarterly newsletters, covering events and local government issues. Join our Civic Working Group to engage with the City Commission's activities and advocate for Grove issues.

To volunteer for CGPHOA, reach out to President Marlene Erven at [email protected].